Transport problems of Yekaterinburg.

Yekaterinburg may threaten a collapse in the field of transportation and public transport, since the conflict between carriers and the head of the administration of Yakobob reached its climax. Ten main companies made a general letter with a request to solve their problems.

Recall that the story began at the end of summer, when representatives of the companies were gathered by the head of the Kurlykov Transport Committee and announced that this year there would be no compensation for the free transport of citizens’ citizens. This is due to the fact that the allocated funds, namely 195 million rubles, went to financing and recovery of ETTU, and, in addition, 50 new buses were purchased for the “municipal association of bus enterprises”. According to businessmen, such a waste of targeted funds is illegal and it was she who caused a lack of money in the budget for their needs. In general, railway transportation to Yekaterinburg expects such problems. The head of the administration requires that he either take measures to violate federal laws, or cancel the burden of transporting pensioners and beneficiaries for private companies, or resumed compensation payments to enterprises for free transportation.

Representatives of carriers voiced not only the requirements, but also a number of forced threats. According to them, such a policy of the transport committee put the company on the brink of survival and, if the situation is not resolved in the near future, many of them are facing bankruptcy. It is not difficult to guess what it threatens for residents of Yekaterinburg. Well, the first problems can begin in the coming days, because, according to carriers, already in December they will have to reduce bus schedules and remove some routes. The second part of the threats is addressed directly to the head of the administration, businessmen threaten, if inaction will attract the prosecutor’s office. For the leadership of the city administration, this sounds really menacing, since they have a lot of unresolved problems with power structures.

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