about the author

Hello, my name is Vladimir Ditrich.

Welcome to my blog dedicated to cars and everything connected with them. I am 48 years old. I received the first knowledge about the technical structure of the car at school, in the lessons of labor education, where we studied cars and agricultural machinery. He received a driver’s license in 1983, while studying at a vocational school.

Then there was a military school, a service in the armed forces. I was not connected directly with cars, but cognition in technical matters had to improve regularly. I had 11 cars in personal use, these were domestic cars and foreign cars, both new and used. I tried to serve and repair almost all cars on their own. Of course, I was not taken for serious repairs, but every “little thing” and today I am happy to do it myself. Now the transport department is in my subordination, so you have to deal with issues related to the operation of cars daily. For some time I worked as a copywriter, wrote articles on automobile topics to order or sold them on exchanges. So the idea came to create your own blog. I believe that I have enough knowledge and experience to fill it with useful tips and recommendations for motorists. First of all, my blog is focused on beginners. Starting from recommendations for the choice of a car, and on its further operation, since it is not always easy to understand the sea of ​​technical information. In my articles, I will try to do without complex technical terms, and to upload information that is understandable and accessible even for the car owner who is little versed in the technique. Another question that I would like to touch on my blog is safety on the road. Although today this topic is one of the most discussed, traffic accidents does not become less. Therefore, I want to make my contribution too.

I would be grateful for your comments and, of course, only welcome those who in their comments will share their experience and opinion.

Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog!

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