Car rental – the most popular service.

Car rental service for Russia is not new. But a couple of years ago, not every person could afford such a popular service today, because the prices for it were very high (on average, $ 300 per day). This is all because there were few companies providing such services, respectively, and there was no competition. Today everything is different. There are many companies, they offer a wide selection of car brands on average for $ 25 per day. If your car is being repaired or you need to meet guests, and your car is not suitable for this, renting a car is an excellent way out of this situation. Also, the service is very convenient for travelers and people who constantly go on business trips to other cities.

A list of documents that are needed to conclude a car rental agreement is a small. You need to take the identification code, passport and driver’s certificate. But there are many nuances that you may encounter. Consider them. You will receive a car with a full tank of gasoline. This also means that you need to return the car with the same amount of gasoline. It is best to take a check after refueling so that you can definitely prove that the tank is full. But if there really is not enough gasoline, you will need to pay extra for it, but the price, of course, will be higher for it than for ordinary gas stations.

If you do not have time to return the car at the specified time, for example, you get into the traffic jam, it is worth informing the companies. Otherwise, you will need to make money as in another day rental. Rental prices depend on the brand of the car. The better and more expensive, the higher the price. Also, a deposit, which is 300 dollars and above, is introduced for the car. The car is not leased to persons who have not reached the age of 21, as well as those who have been driving less than two years. If the car is expensive, then the required driving experience is at least 5 years.

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