The Great Wall automobile plant will be built in Russia

The famous Chinese company called Great Wall Motors Ltd planned to build a car factory in the Primorsky Territory in the shortest possible time, which will produce at least 150 thousand cars a year, and this is only in the initial stages.

“We plan to place a plant in Ussuriysk. All construction will be divided into two stages. In the first we will invest about $ 350 million in order to eventually build four technological lines. This line will be able to press, cook, paint and resisted cars resisted. The same amount will include workshops who will produce components for new cars, ”said RIA Novosti. About $ 250 million will be invested in the second stage, and the entire amount is intended to increase the production capacity of the plant. In the meantime, the Chinese only plan to build a new plant, the Japanese manufacturer of electric trucks has already launched their activities in the Russian market, offering a large selection of loading equipment.

“I would like to reach gross income from future production, which should be at least seventy billion Russian rubles a year. Only annual contributions from the accrued salary and payments that replenish the budget will amount to about 800 million rubles per calendar year.

In addition, we also plan to attract local personnel. Especially for this, we will create the highest level training centers in which the internship of specialists living in the PRC will be organized, ”the company said.

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