In the USA, it is easy to take a driver’s license, although the nuances may vary depending on the state.
The necessary training for someone who previously had no rights at all is only 4 hours of theory. The course costs $ 30, and it is conducted online. Then you need to pay a state fee of $ 10 and the exam procedure itself — from $ 30 to $ 98, depending on the state.
After a test of knowledge of the rules, which includes questions about the size of local fines, the future driver is given a temporary license with which you can take training — to drive independently in the presence of an experienced driver.
When passing the driving test, the first thing to check is the knowledge of the car’s systems. “Turn on the left turn signal, emergency alarm, handbrake” and so on. Then the “playground”: in some states it is only parallel parking, in others reverse movement is added, acceleration-braking. They may ask about the scheme of parking or starting on the slide, and usually you just need to explain everything in words, since slides on exam sites are rare.
Driving around the city is simple, without tricky situations. It is enough not to exceed the speed limit, stop in front of the stop sign and turn your head before each intersection and lane change. By the way, they come to the exam in their own car. If you haven’t passed, you can come back the next day.